Resident Portal

Thank you for participating in this survey! 

This is a survey for OceanView residents only.

Do you prefer our new way of welcoming new residents or do you prefer the Welcome Teas that were the tradition before the pandemic? 

OceanView has a long tradition of taking time in our schedule to welcome new residents with a quarterly or bi-monthly event to honor them.

Before the pandemic, this event was a ‘Tea’, with cookies and petit fours and teacups, sitting around tables with a microphone being passed around the room for each new couple or resident to introduce themselves.

With this activity on hiatus throughout the pandemic, we began welcoming new residents again in the fall of 2022 with a gathering that seated the audience facing our new residents, who then came to the front to speak at a fixed place where the microphone was set up. We did not offer food, because at the time we were limiting eating and drinking together with our masks off.

This is where we need your feedback: 

It has been suggested that we return to the old format of a Tea seated around tables.

Activities, because of positive feedback they have received, proposes that we continue with the audience-style presentation, with the post-pandemic addition of refreshments after the presentation. We are ready to host another event in September and are seeking input from residents about a preferred format.

Please choose one response below. Survey responses will be taken through Monday morning, August 28th. 

OceanView Welcome Teas Survey

A poll question for OceanView residents.

  • Are you voting as a couple? Please specify in the Comments section below if you are voting as a pair and if you have the same preference or opposing preferences.
    First NameLast Name
  • We welcome any feedback you have to offer. Thank you!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.